I’m trying to get a realistic driving action where a driver glances up at the rear view mirror, than the side view mirror before they make a lane change. However, the distant cars and other objects in the mirror are blacked out and not revealing their colors/textures. I did a test where I had an orange ball behind my vehicle and I could see the colors and details. However, when I move the ball away from the vehicle, the ball eventually becomes black. I feel like this is a LOD issue but I’m not sure how to fix this problem. Also, the mirror lacks sharpness and I’m not sure how to improve that either. Any help or ideas is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
How are you doing the mirrors. Are you doing it through capture2dcomponent and render target texures or maybe raytracing?
Thanks for responding.
I did the following.
- Created a mirror texture and applied it to the rear view mirror; metallic - 1, Spec - 1, Roughness - 0
- Next I tried using a planar reflection
- Within the Scene Sequence I rendered to frames.
I’m not sure what you mean by capture2dcomponent and render target textures.
I also changed my project settings to support global clip plane for Planar Reflections and changed the Dynamic Global Illumination to Screen Space.
I just watched a video tutorial on Scene Capture 2D. Very cool and this will fix my issue. Thanks for responding quickly to my post and mentioning Capture 2D!!