I have a really weird issue in current unreal engine 4 version here. Some actors just dont render in game mode in a special case.
I have a paper 2D tilemap with a few layers which builds up my level geometry. In addition i have several actors placed directly in the editor over the tilemap with a different depth level (Y). This was working fine until today after i added a second tilemap behind the first tilemap as a background layer with collisions set to off. Initially i wanted to add just a background tile layer…
When i run my only first level i have a lava door next to the player start. This door magically is invisible when the background tilemap is there - but i will get hurt when i walk into the lava door… i have absolutly no idea what is wrong here. I just wanted to add a simple background - thats it.
Here is a video showing the issue: - YouTube
Now can i fix this? The problem is not present when i set my camera not to orthographic!
The lava door actor is just a invisible paper sprite as a root with a cube mesh including the lava material - thats it.