Reality Capture tab not working on Epic Games Lancher


On the Epic Games Launcher, when I click on Reality Capture tab, nothing happens. I have tried on different computers and the problem is only persistent on one.

I have tried to update the launcher, restart the launcher, log-out & log-in, restart the computer but nothing seems to work. It seems to be a bug.

Anyone else is having the same issue.

Hello @MK15684,
please check this post: Course: Introducing RealityCapture 1.4 - #3 by JakubVanko
Also, this could be helful: Heikura Veeti

Finally discovered what’s going on.

RealityCapture tab won’t show anything if the Game Library is disabled on Epic Launcher Settings.


I am experiencing the same problem. I have done the same things you mentioned to try and resolve it.

Very strange. I was able to get it to work by navigating the the launcher settings and unchecking “Hide Game Library”

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I have been running into this issue on several computers and only occasionally able to successfully get a result from clicking the Reality Capture tab any time the Game Library is hidden.

Very glad someone shared about activating the Game Library option as a temp fix. That has worked, but my feedback as a longtime user of both UE and RC is that this tab should really be fully functional with Game Library hidden.


Totally, but for now thats our only fix

Yes, This worked for me. Thank you

Unckecking hide game library worked for me.

Unchecking hide game library worked for me also.

As someone who is not a gamer, this is incredibly unintuitive. I selected ‘Hide Gaming Library’ because it seemed like a way to minimize clutter in the Epic Game Launcher and avoid annoying popup alerts.

Today I learned that RealityCapture is a “game”, which is news to me. Thank you for others who pointed out that the RealityCapture tab in Epic Games Launcher will only work if the game library is not hidden.

Curiously, the Samples, Marketplace, Library, and Twinmotion tabs all work even when ‘Hide Game Library’ is selected, which further adds to the confusion.

Unfortunately the solution didn’t work for me. RealityCapture didn’t open no matter if the library was hidden or not. Do you have any idea what else can I do?

Hi @232323tar,
have you tried also the solutions mentioned under this post: Reality Capture tab not working on Epic Games Lancher - #2 by OndrejTrhan?