Reality Capture doesn't quit

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On Windows 11 Reality Capture doesn’t always quit. When using it normally, closing the main window rarely seems to quit - the windows closes but in the task manager you can see it’s still running (and consuming around 15% CPU and a chunk of RAM).

When using it with a command-line workflow terminated with a “-quit” command it sometimes quits, and sometimes doesn’t. This is a huge problem because the program I’m driving RC from never sees the process end and just hangs.

Steps to Reproduce

Just open it and close the window on Windows 11.

When used programmatically here’s my template for command-line arguments:

'-addFolder', '<photo_dir>',
'-setProjectCoordinateSystem', 'Local:1',
'-exportSelectedModel', '<output_name>', '<settings_dir>\\export.xml',

Expected Result

I expect it to exit fully.

Observed Result

Sometimes it hangs around invisibly in the background.


Windows 11

Hello @RBXZ12N1
We are not experiencing this. What is the program you are using to run RealityCapture?

Hi - I use python to drive RC from the command line, but the thing is this happens even when I’m simply using RC from the desktop in a purely manual mode. E.g. double-click on the desktop icon to launch the app, do some stuff, then close it. Here’s a screenshot of it still running despite no window being open. In this particular case I’d aborted an in-progress job before quitting but I don’t think it matters…it just happens sometimes.
When I’m running from Python I have a ‘-quit’ at the end of the command line and that does close the app window but sometimes it just hangs around in this same way. I can give you a basic Python script if that would help.

Is this ordinary machine or virtual machine?

This is an ordinary machine - not a VM.

Which version of RealityCapture are you using? RC
Should be the latest - I just installed it from the Epic games launcher last week.

Is this also happening for you using the 1.3 version?
Also, are you running the application through Epic Games Launcher or directly through the icon?

I’ve not tried any earlier versions. I’m launching it two ways…manually I do it from the desktop shortcut. When launching from a script I directly reference the full path of the executable file in Program Files.

Can you try go to C:\Program Files\Epic Games\RealityCapture, copy the installation file to some other folder, remove RealityCapture using the Epic Games Launcher, then install RealityCapture using the mentioned installation file and check if this will be still happening for you?

I tried the instructions as described - at first it seemed like this made the problem 100% reproducible as simply opening RC then closing it without doing anything would leaving it hanging, but after a few launches and force-quits that seemed to resolve itself.

In doing that testing I noticed something - when I opened RC the process viewer would show it running at 10%-20% CPU even though I wasn’t doing anything - if I closed the window it would continue to run at this rate.

However, after a few launches I noticed the CPU rapidly dropped to 0%. Closing RC in this state resulted in it exiting completely.

So based on this it looks like some kind of background task is running periodically, and if I quit while that is still running it never quits…

Hi @OndrejTrhan - were you able to reproduce this?

I am sorry, but we weren’t able to reproduce it.