RealisticRendering demo objects don't fall

Project: RealisticRendering
Engine: 4.4.1

I am on Mac OS and I have opened up the RealisticRendering project from Marketplace.

Specifically I have taken SM_Bowl29 and moved it up a little, it’s position is now 8.0f,12.0f,66.0f

I have edited the bowl and made sure that it has collision, I gave it a box collider.

I have set it to movable and pressed play. The bowl just stands in the air.

I looked at the physics component and “Start Awake” is ticked but greyed out.

Also the mass is set to 5.051 and greyed out, stopping me from changing it.

What do I need to do to get Physics on static meshes to move?

Have you checked “simulate physics”? That and starting awake should be enough to make a static mesh fall to the ground. Once you’ve got it falling, you can worry about collisions, but it sounds like you’ve already added colliers.

That was it, thanks. I am a total newbie to UDK.

Yeah, I made the same mistake when I first switched to ue4 :slight_smile: glad I could help