Hello everyone I would like to develop realistic games and videos with ue4 i can’t do that at all with the laptop i have now so I would like to know if this ( Best Gaming PC Build For Under $1000 - February 2023 | WePC Builds ) 1000$ gaming pc build would be good for the task?
Hello, We develop on PS4 and we get somewhere around 90-100 FPS on UE4 with our i7-7700 along with a RTX 2080 graphics card. However when we had a 1060 Graphics card, it gave us issues when it concerned projects with alot of things inside. Somewhere around 30-62 FPS.
If I were to recommend a computer if you want to develop “realistic games and videos” I would get a higher processor…i7 or i9 and a good graphics card. Only because that way you can see your game in real time with the realism
however you can work your way up to those since it cost a pretty penny That i5 and 1070 should do the trick but I do believe at some point you have to upgrade.
@superrobot A gaming PC is not necessarily the example to use as a development PC… of course there are gaming PCs that by far exceeds the needs for development, but I would say you need to at least get used to understand something about computer parts and how that benefits the role of development:
more CPU cores = faster compilation, light baking, material shader compilation (AMD line R7 2700x are cheap and great with 8 core and 16 threads)
more system memory (RAM) = more stuff loaded at once on the game level you are developing, more tools loaded to be used together (Maya, Blender, Unreal, Substance) - 32 GB RAM at least
large SSD (interface type NVMe x4) for faster loading times for big projects - 1 TB at least
small SSD (interface type SATA III) for Operating system - 480 GB is more than fine and cheap
one hard drive for tools : 1 TB at least
since we are in a transition on graphics technology, NVidia graphics cards on the previous generation are hard to find, so a good card would be at least GTX 1070TI (previos gen) or the RTX 2070 (current gen) as a bottom choice for development.
The system above would probably be best suited to find a company which assembles a custom for you, and I think the cost would stay at US$ 1,200 - 1,400
I also would like to point to you that the configuration mentioned above is one which will last for you for at least another 4 years, maybe 6. The current recommended configuration Epic says to use with UE is not that much as in the link below and they don’t even go into specifics, but I am sure it won’t last 2 years.
There is also other aspect to be considered imho, if you are a single developer you can’t develop in human time big awesome AAA game projects, for example actually I have a Xeon E3 1231v3, 16 gb of ram and an R9 Fury X and anything works pretty well without any problem for my need, I just lack any type of 3D artistic/animation skill (but that is another problem, also with a 3000$ build the problem will still remain), if you want to build a “future-proof” pc for also gaming and working needs then ok, for example i develop also website with this build, but pay attention at what you really need to do, if you are an artist and we are talking about build large maps, high-poly character etc then ok, otherwise i can suggest you to take a more accessible build.
So i agree with , 1200-1400 is a fair price, an i9 will cost you an organ.
Kinda expensive… but it is an awesome machine which will last for 6 years!! Indeed the added cost for the monitor, keyb and mouse hurts a bit since you were using a notebook.
There is a way to get some pretty decent price if you change the processor to 2700 instead of 2700x, because the 2700 comes with a cooler so you won’t need to buy the Corsair H60, unless you really live in a place which is hot (something with typical 32 degrees Celsius at Summer) you would really want a water cooler. The clock is a bit lower, but it has the same amount of cores, which is what you want. This would save something like $95.00
At my country a RTX 2070 costs $499.99 (EVGA) so saves up to: $329.99
Would end in a price $424.99 lower so final costs would be $1,561.00, way better no?
Good luck on your choice, any will serve you well!
I agree with @kalakus with the monitor… your system deserves a better one, 27 pol would be minimum. The power supply is tight for that configuration, I have checked with http://www.coolermaster.com/power-supply-calculator/ and says your system needs 512W at 90% TDP (already with a margin ), so unless you want to add another graphics card in the future (only possible if RTX 2080 or above, not RTX 2070) you will need more power (depends on what you would do in game dev thou… can’t see my using right now a dual card in my system).
When working on game dev we noticed that while we want to get a decent CPU and good amount of RAM, we want to perhaps not want to get the best or latest Video card. We noticed this sort of kept us in check while developing the visuals for the game, because neither PS4 nor 5 nor many PC consumers I would assume would have anything close to the latest RTX card installed as a standard card.
This helps tweak our game for best performance and look on a moderate last gen video card during work instead of getting carried away by a super video card only to pull back massively at the end during QA on “gaming machines” for performance. So in a sense your working machine is also 75% your gaming test machine which keeps expectations on a 10 - 25% error margin instead of 50 -75%.
In other words if you can make it run and play on a last gen card you can be mostly sure it will play even better on a next gen card… but not vice versa.