Oh, i see now. I didn’t try building it with VS2013. Looks like it handles conversions differently from 2015. This particular error should be fixable by replacing all numbers like let’s say 2.0 with 2.0f (ie explicitly stating that 2.0 is a float).
But I have no idea what other differences there are.
Ok. Thanks for the information. I’ve edited line 113 and 123 in simulate.cpp as per the fail error above in post #60 and it compiled successfully in engine 4.10.0 built from binary VS2013.
To get the EFM_example to open I had to remove the ‘Plugin’ folder from the project and then I enabled the easyfm plugin within the editor since I have ‘easyfm’ as a engine plugin.
V 1.2 is out.
-With atmosphere density curve enabled, you can now change sea level density and the rest of the curve will be recalculated. So you can have for example changing air density depending on weather.
-Landing gear now responds to friction of physics material it’s in contact with. 1.0 means same grip limit as previously, 0.0 means zero friction, always skidding. Deactivated by default, switch on “UseMaterialFriction” to enable.
It’s been a long time since last update. Let me explain why:
1 - still trying to get onto the UE marketplace.
2 - i’m working on a big update: multiplayer. With custom replication code that’ll fix or at least massively reduce “warping” of UE4’s default replication. Works by only replicating positions of control surfaces, and letting each client figure out the rest locally, with server only broadcasting occassional “nudges” to keep actor locations etc from drifting out of sync.
3 - example project must also be updated to show everything you need for a multiplayer flight sim. That’s quite a bit of stuff.
Multiplayer will be an awesome addition to this already great plugin. I ‘attempted’ replication about 6 months ago with a few aircraft running a dedicated server setup and man oh man was it a nightmare. As you can imagine, it didn’t go well and I quit trying. Looking forward to this feature.
Well yes, in current version replication involves creating a copy of each variable used and other nonsense. And even then, while UE4’s default movement replication works nicely at walking speeds, at airplane speeds it gets rather jittery when the connection is less than perfect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3e7KGP1u0-I (sorry for cellphone video, it wasn’t my PC).
My way around it was by giving each position update a “serial number” and throwing out those that arrived in wrong order. Probably not the cleanest solution in the world, but it fixed the problem
Currently working on another trick that will reduce “influence” of updates that arrived too soon after previous one, and boosting those that arrived too late. In theory this should make it even smoother.
Alright, I think 1.5 is almost ready for release. Just a few remaining bugs.
Meanwhile, here’s a little preview of upgraded example project. It should now really be enough to get you started, as it’s now almost a fully functional multiplayer “simcade”, with working homing missiles (complete with aspect-dependent heat signature, seeker gimbal limits, and proximity fuse), simple radar and so on.
Advance warning: there will be probably a slight price increase shortly after that. Those who already have previous version of course get it for free.
1.5 is ready. You should be getting update notification email any minute now.
I apologize for the delay, but I came up with a last minute improvement that I just HAD to squeeze in - jitter filter.
With each position update this calculates new path of the object, on this path it finds the closest point to where the object would be had it not been updated, and moves it there (with exponential smoothing). I haven’t been able to test it with any truly terrible network conditions, but on okay-ish connection halfway across Europe (England - Slovakia) this eliminated rubberbanding so completely it was indistinguishable from singleplayer.
Next part of tutorial, explaining net replication, coming soon.
So UE4.12 is out, something about AddRotation seems to have changed, and it’s causing glitchy movement in previous version of EFM.
4.12 users please download fixed easyfm_151_412