realistic flight physics function library, anyone interested?

Awesome! Nice work!

And finally, the price:

So, i’ve been thinking. Indie flight games/sim-lites usually go for around $20 on Steam. So…how about $20? One or two copies sold and it paid for itself.
I don’t think that’s unfair for something that’ll save you potentially months of work. I mean, it took me some 3 months to finish this one, and that’s not counting 3 previous models i had to scrap for various reasons. For someone unfamiliar with simulators it would probably take even longer.

What do you think?

PS: and one more thing. There’s this new simulator called SimplePlanes, which I have nothing to do with, and the name might lead to people thinking “SimpleFM” is somehow related.
So…I’m gonna rename it to something else. How about “Easy FM” ?

Looks awesome I like it a lot keep up the good work !

Yeah 20 dollars seems fair :slight_smile:

Personally, ‘Easy FM’ sounds like a radio station. I’d include the word ‘Flight’ somewhere in the title to help users looking for flight simulation components on the marketplace.

And yes, I’d buy it for $20.

Hm, good point. I wanted to go with EasyFlight at first, but it’s already taken (a company doing parachute training courses). I could just use the “expanded” acronym (ie. easy Flight Model) to make clear what it’s for.

Alright, submitted.

Meanwhile, i’ve submitted the sample project to a flightsim forum for testing. Did some changes as a result.
With two exceptions (bad G-meter readout, and guidance system being a bit overenthusiastic with pitch) all problems could be resolved via parameter tweaks, so the “core” plugin should be pretty robust.

Anyway, here’s updated demo:

Have a nice flight.

Hey any news on this? Is it on the marketplace? If not could you sell it on gumroad?

Sorry for no updates. Had to do some changes to follow marketplace guidelines (had to merge everything into a single plugin etc). It’s all done now, now I just have to write documentation. Dunno about gumroad yet, i’ll look into it.

Thanks for the heads up :slight_smile:

Ok, here’s the situation. Epic stopped responding to my mails. So i’m going to put it up on Gumroad for now, while i’ll figure out what’s going on.

Meanwhile, i’ll make some video tutorials.
Here’s first episode:

Again, sorry for delays, no idea where’s the problem.

Let us know when you have it up on Gumroad. :slight_smile:

I will buy it come payday :smiley:

My guess is that Epic is overloaded with marketplace submissions. I inquired about another plugin that was approved 2 months ago and it’s finally scheduled to release on Marketplace March 16th. So maybe you will get notice today or will be part of the next release cycle.

Hi moookiexl (please create a Pool)

You intend to expanding this to covering organic things as creatures, like dragons or birds?

And C++ will be allowed very soon !!!

rennsix: ah thanks, I thought I was doing something wrong, good to hear that.

lunyBunny: Skeletal meshes are already supported. You could definitely simulate a dragon with it, all you need is one extra bone to hold the simulation body and to tell FM which direction is forward.

OK, it’s out on Gumroad now, grab it while it’s hot :wink:

Parts 2 and 3 of tutorial released too.

(maybe i should start a new thread for this, no idea…)

Awesome Still need to get paid. glad to see this is up on gumroad. :slight_smile:

That said - Going to pick this up ASAP.

I get an error when trying the example?

Also, tried compiling plugin with Engine. That failed too.

Hm, not entirely sure what causes it.
One possible reason: Your UE4 appears to be 4.10.0 (preview?) and I compiled it for 4.10.4.
That second error is something I haven’t seen yet. Maybe properties having category (not required in current version) was mandatory in 4.10.0 ?

Try replacing your easygearcomponent.h with this one, maybe it helps.

If it doesn’t, try downloading UE4 4.10.4 or 4.11.0p7, it should work with those.

I use binary build 4.10.0 and VS2013. I tried the new .h file no luck. It spits out a new error :slight_smile:

I guess I’ll grab 4.10.4 from the Epic repo and compile that. Will report back.