Realistic Blueprint weapons have been approved.

Will this system work well with a Third Person Character setup?

You could also just attach an add particle system component then attach a spawn emitter attached for both the tracer and shell ejections. This will allow the static mesh to be used and then a particle effect to be attached to it.

like so

I will definitely update the system with some of all the good ideas you guys have. So much stuff!!

Next week I will begin the work. Expect some fun stuff happening.

Thanks for the snippet there,

Hey - Got a question

Do you intend on updating the marketplace version for ease of access?

I will submit the latest changes now.
There was a bug, it is fixed now. No idea in submitting before that was . I have contacted Epic for the update.

When the marketplace version is updated will that mean we all (those of us who have already purchased) have access to the update without repurchasing? I am sorry if this is a stupid question I am just not exactly sure how it works.

You all get the update for free.

You can get the update straight away by emailing me. Just forward your receipt and I’ll shoot the update your way.

Also, expect some cool features coming. I have a lot of stuff planned.

Awesome thank you :slight_smile: I will be looking forward to the updates and seeing what you have in store!

It’s kinda hard to keep track of the version one has, like I don’t know if there is a more recent version than mine or not. Maybe we can figure out a way to handle this.
One idea would be to have something like the Github thing for the UE4 source code. So you can add the people to a group, which then can proceed to download the most recent version. Dunno if that’s a good idea or not…


Hello , very good job on the pack .
The problem i encountered , is this ( which is reffered in this link ) :

Basically , Destroyed actors(in this case projectiles) remain in the scene outliner as deleted actor and dont get cleared.(i’m using 4.7). after experimenting a bit , i noticed if i set an “initial lifespan” for the “projectile” blueprint ,And it doesnt hit anything in that duration , scene outliner clears the deleted actor without any problem , but if i receive a hit event , the "Deleted Actor " remains in the Scene Outliner . in other words , if the lifespan of the projectile blueprint is 2 seconds , and in that 2 seconds projectile wont hit anything , everything’s good , if it hits , “Deleted actor” remains .

In the link above there is a discussion about this , and a fix . anyway , i believe this is the engine problem , not your pack . cheers .

You are right about the lifetime of the bullets. I should set an initial lifespan on the to prevent them from going forever.

I tried setting up a mailing list, but… the administration take away all the fun. and I can’t have an open list where everyone can sign up.

A new version has been submitted. This fixes a couple of network issues, it should be available “soon”(Epic time, not human time :P)

I will stick with the marketplace updates after that to keep it streamlined for me and to be able to provide the best support. When people are on the same version, it is easier for me to provide support, and I’ll have more time to add new and cool features.

I want to thank all the people who contacted me with questions and suggestions, you guys have truly helped make this a better product.

Meh the “Fix” for that "Deleted Actor " remaining in the scene outliner , isnt much of a fix . they thought they fixed it in 4.7 , but the issue remains .

After experimenting with it for a while i realized the issue here , go to the scene , where you put 3 blueprint boxes at 10 , 25 , 50 meters . shooting the 25 , and 50 meters away boxes wont cause “deleted actor” in the scene outliner , but shooting the 10 meters box from the closest point you can will generate a "Deleted Actor " in outliner . generally shooting at something very close will generate this problem . it seems spawning an actor and destroying it very very very fast , would cause this .

I’ll post a thread about this in Bug section of engine , since this totally is an engine bug , no point worrying you about it . anyway thanks , if you find any fix please let me know .

Edit : i could simulate this in first person template , just created a first person blueprint template , go veeeeery close to a physic Cubes which are scattered in this map , until it is literally in your face , then shoot , there you go :smiley: ,persistent Deleted actor .

Hi! This seems very promising! Looks absolutely fantastic!

I have a question tho. Does this work with the standard 3rd Person example? and if not, is it possible to adjust it? Basically I want to create a game that allows 1st and 3rd Person view. And now I wonder if your system even allows it.

Greets and keep up the great work!

It allows for everything you can think of, it is independent of your camera.

Remote controlled guns or guns on a plane… guns everywhere.

I have it in my Third-Person project.
You just need to create a crosshair that adjusts to that view. Please check out the Support thread for this pack, I show how to do this :)!
Thanks, Brett.

Thanks for the quick answer! That is great! I will get into it as soon as possible :slight_smile:

Great work!


is there a way to disable the visual line trace?

Do you have a link to the support thread? I might be losing my mind but I can’t seem to find it :stuck_out_tongue:

-edit- NVM found it. I am in fact apparently losing my mind XD

Go to Blueprints -> Projectile -> Search for trace function -> Go to Line Trace by Channel function and disconnect the debug trace and set it to none on both Trace Type and Draw debug Type