(max 60x60 km).
World Composition
Depending on your level of accuracy, you may need to improvise with some creative license. I wouldn’t expect real-world accuracy beyond a few meters. (max 60x60 km).
World Composition
Depending on your level of accuracy, you may need to improvise with some creative license. I wouldn’t expect real-world accuracy beyond a few meters.
Do you have an idea on how to import large (approx. 70kmx50km) real world terrain with satellite texture into unreal with high resolution? I need it to use a simple flight simulator. I tried already blenderGIS, but the resolution ist too low.
Hope you have an idea! I already found, but is there an free alternative? It does exactly what I need.
Best regards
thanks for your answer! I already imported the heightmap successfully, now I need some satellite imagery… Do you have an source for them too? The best would be to download HighRes images (maybe tiles to stick them together?).
Government GIS web sites have satellite imagery that is free for use. Do verify the copyrights.
Also take a look at the Infinity Blade Grasslands pack. I think it’s this pack that has the background mountains, which include a terrain material. I’ve emulated that with satellite images, terrain data, and normal maps that I’ve created using CrazyBump or some similar software.
I actually can’t find any free service to download some high-res images for the “Bodensee” in germany… My last try was to use the blender plugin blenderGIS which supports high res images, but with zoom level 16 it takes quite long to generate the terrain
Landviewer looks promising, but they require registration. Bear in mind, satellite imagery will include buildings.