Thanks for considering to answer my question. I’m working on a project (1st person) and i have two levels. i would like to call them positive and negative. Both of these worlds are the same (scale wise) and the only thing different is some of the assets (interior design), textures and lighting. I want to switch between these two worlds in real time by pressing the left click on the mouse. So for example, I’m walking on the negative level and for some reason something happens and I need to switch to the positive level (i need to be exactly in the same position).
I am fairly new to blueprint, but I guess I’m having a good startup. Any help will be greatly be appreciated.
You will want to make use of the World Composition Browser:
When you do this, make sure to place your objects in two separate sublevels (positive and negative) and then use level streaming volumes for when you want to stream in one or the other. You can unload one level directly after loading the one you wish to be in to prevent falling through the level. To do this, what I would do is load in a sublevel and hide the other sublevel, then unload the sublevel that will no longer be used. This will prevent falling while still immediately switching between the two streamed levels.
That was a great help. thanks for that. as you can see i have right now two levels (which both of them are in the same position) by using the blueprint i can stream the second level i want. the only problem that i have right now is that, i can not unload my current level “Persistent level”. so basically i want to unload the stream of the previous one when i stream the new one. i would appreciate it alot if you help me with this. thanks in advance.
For this what you are going to want to do is move your persistent level information into a sublevel. The persistent level will contain data that you want to transfer between the two, but each of your levels should exist in a sublevel so that you can switch between them easily.