Hey guys,
we are a team of Interaction Design students and we wanted to use Unreal Engine as a 3D game engine in combination with a Pepper’s Ghost installation ([Here is an example][1]) of that technique. We wanted to use it as an augmented reality layer for our 3D room where it is supposed to project information and particles into a real 3D printed room with walls
. Therefore we want to map the perspective of the 3D print as exactly as possible.
As our project progressed we saw some problems and now we tried some “calibration” with a simple DIN A3 Page with a chess pattern on it [(Video)][4]. But we realized, that with incresing perspective angle the engine ist distorting the proportion of each of the chess squares. We changed the FOV and tried different angles now. Is there any possible way to use a physically correct camera in terms of eye-like field of view and focal length? We want to maintain the reality perspective. How can we achieve the most correct perspective? I hope i could describe our problem.
Thank you for your help