The similar issue has been handled in link text
The difference is that I’m having trouble with IKinema plugin and reproducing steps. The steps to reproduce my problem is a little bit more complex.
Make a C++ class that inherits UAnimInstance(Let’s call it A) and compile.
Make an animblueprint as a child of C++ class in 1) (Let’s call it K)
Make an IKinema Rig.
Make another C++ class that inherits UAnimInstance(Let’s call it B). Declare variables of which type is FIKinemaSolverTask, FIKinemaSolverLookAtTask
Change class A’s parent to B(Yeah… there are a lot of reasons to do this…)
Re-compile C++ project and run the editor and open K and place IKinemaSolver using the IKinema Rig and connect task nodes to variables declared in step 4)
Compile and save K.
Try to recompile K without changing anything.
Now, the editor crashes like the issu, UE-29613.
Oh, please help me!!
FYI, I’m gonna ask IKinema guys about this issue too.