[RDG] Transfer Result of Compute Shader to Material (RenderTarget?)

Hello everyone,

I spend my Sunday trying to understand how to get custom Compute Shaders to work in UE4.
I found some tutorials that I followed and while it worked for the first few tries, I ran into issues with resources not resetting properly.
After asking for help on Unreal Slackers, I was told that one should use RDG nowadays.

Now,… there isn’t much documentation about this, despite some Crash Course and a Blog Post that uses the same Course to explain things a little bit more.

What I have by now:

  • A simple TestShader.utf, which tries to map a pseudo random number to each pixel (so basically generate noise), which has one parameter for the output RWTexture2D<float> OutputTexture;
  • An Actor that, on Tick (?) utilizes ENQUEUE_RENDER_COMMAND to create a FRDGBuilder (because I don’t know where else I would get the RHICmdList from).

Now in that Render Command, I create a FRDGTextureDesc, a FRDGTexture* and a FRDGTextureUAV*. I then grab my TestShader, call GraphBuilder.AddPass, in which I call FComputeShaderUtils::Dispatch. In the end, I call GraphBuilder.Execute(). So far so good, all of this compiles and doesn’t crash when called.

I will add the actual code further down so you can have a look.

My main questions currently are:

  1. How do I update the Params that I pass into the Shader? I was able to do that with the non-RDG version. Do I just call this on Tick and pass in the updated variables via the ENQUEUE_RENDER_COMMAND?
  2. How do I actually use the result of this Compute Shader? In the non-RDG version, the example copied the Shader Output into a RenderTarget that is used in a Material on a StaticMeshComponent. How do I do this with RDG? I tried using AddCopyTexturePass, but this expects two FRDGTexture* inputs and I only have one. The other is a simple UTextureRenderTarget2D pointer. I know that they are sort of communicating with the RHI resource, but I have no idea how to convert between them.

Here is the actual code:


#include "/Engine/Public/Platform.ush"

RWTexture2D<float> OutputTexture;

uint hash(uint state)
    state ^= 2747636419u;
    state *= 2654435769u;
    state ^= state >> 16;
    state *= 2654435769u;
    state ^= state >> 16;
    state *= 2654435769u;
    return state;

float scaleToRange01(uint number)
    return (float)number / 4294967295.0;

void MainComputeShader(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
    const float2 pixel = id.xy;

    const float randomNumber = scaleToRange01(hash(pixel));

    OutputTexture[id.xy] = randomNumber;


#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "GlobalShader.h"
#include "RenderGraphUtils.h"
#include "ShaderParameterStruct.h"


class SHADERDECLARATIONS_API FTestShader : public FGlobalShader

    SHADER_USE_PARAMETER_STRUCT(FTestShader, FGlobalShader);

    static bool ShouldCompilePermutation(const FGlobalShaderPermutationParameters& Parameters)
        return IsFeatureLevelSupported(Parameters.Platform, ERHIFeatureLevel::SM5);

    static inline void ModifyCompilationEnvironment(const FGlobalShaderPermutationParameters& Parameters, FShaderCompilerEnvironment& OutEnvironment)
        FGlobalShader::ModifyCompilationEnvironment(Parameters, OutEnvironment);

        OutEnvironment.SetDefine(TEXT("THREADGROUPSIZE_Z"), 1);

        SHADER_PARAMETER_RDG_TEXTURE_UAV(RWTexture2D<float>, OutputTexture)


#include "TestShader.h"

IMPLEMENT_GLOBAL_SHADER(FTestShader, "/CustomShaders/TestShader.usf", "MainComputeShader", SF_Compute);

And the AShaderTestActor::Tick function in which I call the ENQUEUE_RENDER_COMMAND (not sure this should be on tick).

void AShaderTestActor::Tick(float DeltaTime)

        [this] (FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList)
            FRDGBuilder GraphBuilder(RHICmdList);

            FRDGTextureDesc OutputTextureDesc = FRDGTextureDesc::Create2DDesc(
                // Render Target Size for now hardcoded
                FIntPoint(800, 800),
                TexCreate_ShaderResource | TexCreate_RenderTargetable | TexCreate_UAV,

            FRDGTextureRef OutputTexture = GraphBuilder.CreateTexture(OutputTextureDesc, TEXT("OutputTexture"));
            FRDGTextureUAVRef OutputTextureUAV = GraphBuilder.CreateUAV(OutputTexture);

            FTestShader::FParameters* PassParams = GraphBuilder.AllocParameters<FTestShader::FParameters>();
            PassParams->OutputTexture = OutputTextureUAV;

            TShaderMapRef<FTestShader> TestShader(GetGlobalShaderMap(GMaxRHIFeatureLevel));

                RDG_EVENT_NAME("TestShader 800x800"),
                [PassParams, TestShader](FRHICommandList& RHICmdList)
                    FComputeShaderUtils::Dispatch(RHICmdList, TestShader, *PassParams, FIntVector(800, 800, 1));


I’ve tried searching for Text and Video Tutorials, I tried looking for usage in the Engine Source Code. I’m a bit at a loss.

If anyone could explain to me how I get my created noise visibly into a material and how I can update the params per frame, that would be great.
Will probably also help others in the future.

Kind regards,


Slightly late answer, but you can do this with AddCopyTexturePass
Basically you need to create another render pass after you add your shader pass.

FRHICopyTextureInfo CopyInfo;
	CopyInfo.Size = FIntVector(TextureSize.X, TextureSize.Y, 0);
	AddCopyTexturePass(*GraphBuilder, FromTexture, ToTexture, CopyInfo);

where the textures are FRDGTexture
You can create an RDG texture like so:

GraphBuilder.RegisterExternalTexture(CreateRenderTarget(MyTexture, TEXT("MyTextureRT")));

hope this helps

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Hey, how can I copy a UTextureRenderTarget2DArray with a hlsl version of Texture2DArray?

FRHICopyTextureInfo CopyInfo;
CopyInfo.Size = FIntVector(TextureSize.X, TextureSize.Y, 0);
AddCopyTexturePass(*GraphBuilder, FromTexture, ToTexture, CopyInfo);

Only copies the first Slice of the Texture, all other slices stay empty …

Help is appreciated since I can not find a single info about it in the net

EDIT: Got it working with Texture2DArrays… here the steps I’ve done

  1. Declare the Render target 2D Array in the compute shader like so:

And use the same type in the .usf file

  1. Create the UAV
	static FORCEINLINE FRDGTextureUAVRef CreateWriteTextureArray_Custom_Out(FRDGBuilder& GraphBuilder, FRDGTextureRef& OutputTextureRef, const int32& SizeX, const int32& SizeY, const int32& Slice, const TCHAR* TextureName, const EPixelFormat& Format)
		const FRDGTextureDesc OutTextureDescription = FRDGTextureDesc::Create2DArray(
			FIntPoint(SizeX, SizeY),
			TexCreate_ShaderResource | TexCreate_UAV | TexCreate_Dynamic | TexCreate_RenderTargetable | TexCreate_External | TexCreate_Shared,
		OutputTextureRef = GraphBuilder.CreateTexture(OutTextureDescription, TextureName);
		return GraphBuilder.CreateUAV(FRDGTextureUAVDesc(OutputTextureRef));

And allocate the Texture with it

  1. Call the copy Function
const FRDGTextureRef RenderTargetOutputTexture = GraphBuilder.RegisterExternalTexture(CreateRenderTarget(AnimationOutputTexture->GetRenderTargetResource()->GetTexture2DArrayRHI(), FCrowdPlugin_BoneTransform_CS_Lf::BoneTransformsTextureCopyDebugName));

FRHICopyTextureInfo CopyInfo = FRHICopyTextureInfo();
CopyInfo.Size = RenderTargetOutputTexture->Desc.GetSize();
CopyInfo.NumSlices = AnimationOutputTexture->Slices;

AddCopyTexturePass(GraphBuilder, AnimationOutputTextureRef, RenderTargetOutputTexture, CopyInfo);	

In the shader part, 1 slice is handled like 1 texture, so the calculation goes like this if you have an Index:

				uint Slice = GPUBoneIndexBase / (OutputTextureSizeX * OutputTextureSizeY);
				uint SliceBase = GPUBoneIndexBase % (OutputTextureSizeX * OutputTextureSizeY);
				uint Mod = SliceBase % OutputTextureSizeX;
				uint Div = SliceBase / OutputTextureSizeY;
RW_BoneTransform_OutputTexture[uint3(Mod, Div, Slice)] = BoneMatrix[0];

Hope it helps :slight_smile: