Raytracing reflection looks like "unlit" mode?


I am having a problem with using raytracing reflection, the reflection on my chromeBall looks like “unlit” mode. It is totally different from my enviroment lighting. In the scene, raytracing is enable, there is only one HDRIBbackdrop light, the skylight in the HDRIBbackdrop is set to cubemap with my HDRI image. I am using Unreal 4.27. Has anyone have the same issue with me? Thanks.


Raytraced GI is not rendered in reflections.

I see… it seems like Raytraced AO and shadow is also not rendered properly in reflection.
Thanks a lot.

Direct shadowing from regular lights should work.

Shadowing from the skylight should also be possible, however I believe it requires a cvar. I think it is: r.RayTracing.Reflections.RayTraceSkyLightContribution 1

Without GI though, these shadows will most likely just be black. From what I remember the sampling is also limited in reflection shadows, so they’ll most likely be pretty grainy.

I would note that raytraced reflections will render GI from Lightmass bakes. So if you bake your lighting, you can get very clean results with raytraced reflections.

Hi Arkiras
Great thanks! The cvar command did solve my problem.
There are so many trick about Raytracing. I believe some of the issue are not indicated in document, thanks for sharing your experience!
