Raytracing Command Lines Features

Hi there,

Sorry I have a lot of questions about the RTX features in 4.22.

I was just wondering if there is a list of what each Raytracing command is and what they do out there anywhere?

I have been able to find this: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/…ing/index.html

However this doesn’t really break down what every command line function can do in the editor. I have been messing around with it but I would appreciate more information about each of these functions and within what threshold they operate. For instance, the r.raytracing.globalillumination.maxbounces is integer (0-N), but some others are floats I’m guessing? I think I saw a list of these somewhere once but can’t find it again.

Do the command line functions superseed the post process volume settings? As far as I can tell, not all of the functions are in the post process volume.

There are so many variables with this tech, that it is a bit overwhelming as well. Is there a general workflow for getting the cinematic quality of raytracing I have seen in a few videos? Are people still baking their lighting, and raytracing on top of the baked results? If you are going to bake some of the lighting, what should you bake, just GI?

I’m getting extremely noisey results when increasing the max bounces for GI above 2. I can’t seem to get the denoising to do anything above what it already does out of the box. Is there some ratio between max bounces and samples to be aware of?

Finally, it seems it can take up to a few seconds for the noise to resolve into a relatively clean frame. Is there some way to account for this when rendering film from the sequencer?

Thanks for any help in understanding the raytracing features of 4.22.

Also, is it still necessary to add “-dx12,” to the editor shortcut?