Hello everyone!
I have a question regarding Ray Tracing in Unreal.
In the online documentation, there are a myriad of settings for ray tracing, nested inside a “rendering features” dropdown menu in the “Details” area of the screen.
In MY client, all I can see that is Ray Tracing, is samples per pixel, in a light source Details menu. I don’t even have “Rendering features” as an option in details.
This page shows the “Rendering Features” I speak of:
I have every setting you need to have on to ENABLE DX12 and Ray Tracing, but it still doesn’t work correctly.
I have a GTX 1080 ti, Ryzen 9 3950x, 32GB DDR4 memory. (in case that helps). using Unreal Engine Version 4.25.3. On Windows 10 version 2004 (Latest Version).
No, I do not have an RTX based card yet, but I am doubtful that is the main issue here.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.