Ray traced translucency issues

Hello, I have an issue with ray traced translucency, as you can see there are these vertical stripes all over, it seems to have something to do with the object placed very far away from the 0,0,0 coordinates. It seems to work ok when I place the object near 0,0,0, but when move it far away this starts happening…

I have a project several km in size with great emphasis on reflections, so it’s kind a of big deal. I’ve seen people complaining about this several times, but with zero answers.

Hey @YosiSK
How have you set up your materials so that this is the output? There could be a problem with your blueprints on this issue as well, as I’ve personally never seen this issue.
I’ll do some more digging and get back to you, though.

Thanks for the reply, this happens with basically any glass material. Here’s a test I did using the standard glass material from Start content. The second one was taken 10/10/10 km.

ok, to make things even more confusing… here’s another test, for some weird reason, the Cube is not affected, which is strange, since it produced problems in different file… second image is using Raster translucency

Hey there, had the same Issue but didnt found a solution. Did You found any reason for this behaviour?

Hello, unfortunately I did not; basically I just try to work around the problem by placing the most crucial parts of geometry near 0,0,0 coordinates.