Ray Traced Shadows disabled in VR PiE

When testing my VR-focused project using VR PiE, Ray Traced Shadows are disabled in VR and in the desktop spectator. Once the VR PiE session is over, Ray Traced Shadows are re-enabled in the editor.

Here is my config in the Rendering project settings: (press import in the Rendering project settings to apply them to your project)
Rendering Backup 2023-01-06 001540.ini (5.0 KB)

And here is the Post Process Volume I use in my level: (copy and paste the text inside the file into your level and it will show up)
Post Process Volume.ini (10.7 KB)

I’ve spent about a week trying to figure out a solution to this problem, but I’ve been unable to.

Thanks for any help in advance

What kind of rig are you running to be able to play anything other than pong in VR with raytracing- two of the most computationally demanding processes a pc could be subjected to?

It does seem like a lot of people have had trouble with VR raytracing

Maybe try lumen instead- since it’s such a massive feature of UE5, it likely works a lot better, and they’re more likely to update it.

I’m running a 3070 Ti with a 5800X. Because of the RT cores on my GPU, RT shadows is faster for me than VSM, so VSM is not ideal for me.
At the moment I get ~60fps during VR PiE with VSM. DLSS should get me up to ~90fps.

Lumen doesn’t provide an alternative to RT shadows (why it’s not deprecated, like the rest of the RT tech in Unreal). When using Lumen GI + reflections (you can’t use Lumen reflections without GI), I only get ~40fps, which is not enough for VR.

Additionally, baked GI + reflections are a much more attractive option for something like VR as they look just fine.

Also, according to Unreal’s docs, RT stuff should be supported in VR, which is why I still intend to use it.

Please keep in mind that not everyone has our level of hardware. Though, I don’t think this would run well even with a 3070Ti. If you ever want to release this game, you should probably at least add another option. Maybe check this out to get a feel for how many people could run this: Steam Hardware & Software Survey

Also, I’ve tried for quite a bit, but I can’t get raytracing even enabled, let alone working.

VR and AR are the only presets that don’t even have raytracing as an option, so saying it’s supported might be more of a technicality than endorsement.

For context, it should look like this
