It is not possible unless you can substitute the altered world normals into the gbuffer for the lighting pass which would require modifying the engine.
For some projects, you could do it as a postprocess shader and then do the shading in postprocess as well by taking the dot product of the modified world normals and the light vectors. This wouldn’t require any engine modifications but it has a lot of limitations.
The screen space effect requires sampling the full screen world normal buffer numerous times and is actually a bit expensive as a result (comparable to depth of field).
There are ways to control the chamfer/bevel application in geometry scripting so I really think it is worth investigating further.
Many offline renderers have shader based bevel tools, but they have access to more data about the mesh than a real time renderer so it is not comparable. There’s more detail in this thread, where I also made a somewhat okay looking example of a semi-procedural bevel shader.