Wishing Unreal Community a very Happy new Year !
I wanted both the motion controller to ray cast.
Once we have clicked on the display box (text box) it activates the box and is ready to take input from the keyboard widget set right below it . So the main problem is when I click on the text box and start triggering the buttons for input it only takes one key at a time so I have to again click on the text box to enable. It’s something wrong with the widget interaction. Most probably the “virtual user index” is causing the problem.
Mtich’s Internet Browser Example here shows a fully functioning VR Keyboard which can also interact with another Widget (a web browser in this case). Did you check it out? it may help to identify where your issue could be:
I already have seen Mitch VR Content Example, but in that only one controller is being used for VR keyboard to raycast. I am facing problem when both the controllers need to be raycasted.
You are welcome. Widget interaction is not really straightforward and can be implemented in many different ways. It is hard to help you further without seeing any of your Blueprints or having access to a project reproducing the issue.