Could anyone tell me why the scene looks completely metallic in the reflections when I change the global illumination from Lumen to any other?

have you actually baked the lightmass shot? looks like a skylight is causing some trouble anyway. make sure it’s static and has shadows enabled, so it doesn’t cast dynamic reflections thru the walls.

Hello Glitchered! Thanks for answering me. The HDRi is static and the shadows tab is activated. I just don’t know what happens if I remove Lumen like GI, you see metallic reflections. My graphics card is not Nvidia, but rather AMD Radeon RX, I don’t know if that is a problem.

hdri backdrop? iirc a staff member posted it’s not fully supported anymore. you may just put the hdri in the skylight anyway. your materials defo gotta have a reflective property to have reflection. maybe check that. maybe lower it. i’ve no experience with ssgi. not sure what it’s limitations are, sry. it says beta on the can anyway. should not be used for final visuals or distributed content.

I have a more general question, do you have a tutorial on how to go from Lumen to Lightmass CPU? My problem is that I did this project with IG Lumen and everything was going well, but now that I want to try the method of painting the shadows with CPU lightmass I’m getting into a total mess

a tutorial for light baking? you can google it, i guess. i don’t know of any particular or good or detail ones. (i never watched one. always “just do it” mentality, since source and hammer.)

the main pitfalls are lightmap resolution and mesh surface and lightmap matching. you gotta have continueous surfaces or it will bake seams where you might not want them. the rest is eyeballing your lighting and bake it. a couple times if you have to. normal lighting bake procedure.

you can use gpu lightmass to speed up the iteration process. the quality difference is what you gotta test yourself. or you bake the final version in cpu in the first place.