Hi there! I’m currently new the the unreal engine and was wondering if if could randomize the target position for a beam particle system. I’m trying to create a beam effect that strikes in a different place each time, or at least alternate between two different vectors. Wouldn’t be surprised if I missed a setting somewhere. Thanks!
Could you provide a screenshot of your current BP?
You should implement a parcticle beam function to only one point, then you can extend it to a random location.
Hey Speckulous,
Thanks for the advice, was just wondering if I would could do it from the emitter’s side or if you would have to make a separate script. Never used blueprints before, but took a pass at it and in the end got it with a simple randomize function. Thanks again!
I didn’t try that out, but doesn’t that give you a new lightning every tick (you have a delay, but that only, well, delays the event), so you have like the first 0.5 secs nothing and then all the time?
I would approach more like this, where the beam function is like your SetActorLocation
Yeah, the delay was for a flashing effect and just timed my beam’s lifetime up with it. So each flash, it’ll change the target position each cycle.
Yours looks like a better way to do it. Not sure where you’re getting the wait for next beam node though?