Random teleport at 0,0,0

Hi there, I’ve been having a weird teleportation issue in my VR scene. When teleporting, at a random point, player ends up at point 0,0,0 of my level. It can take 2 attempts or 1000, but at a certain point teleportation will bring the player to point 0,0,0. Any idea what might have triggered this?
PS. Im using a HTC Vive and the Ue4 VR Motioncontroller template.

in the new 4.17 Preview 2 release there is a fix

Fixed! UE-48283 If a controller is not positional tracked anymore (outside of tracker boundaries), its position will be returned to 0/0/0

I hope it helps

I still have the same issue in 4.19 and I have not been able to fix it. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?

as temporarily workaround you can print out teleport location - in my case Z axis always be 0. before teleporting make a check. In this case floor can’t be zero obviously.

Hey, same issue here, looking for a fix.

Is there any changes with this issue?
I figured out it with this stupid))) way in VR template : I check in two cases when it teleports to 0.0.0
First just before function “teleport” i check if location where it will teleport is equal to 0.0.0. If so I set invalid destination.
Some times even with this method it teleports to 0.0.0 so…
Second After teleportation I check is VRpawn’s location 0.0.0, if so - I set teleport VRpawn to previous location where he was(I set var just before Fteleport). And of course it goes with camera fade.
One nuance: Should use error tolerance in equal to 0.0.0 and Vr pawn can’t ever teleport to 0.0.0 - so should area in 0.0.0 with error tolerance not to use.
I hope this issue will be fixed soon.

I can confirm I have the same problem with HTC Vive in UE versions 4.16 - 4.19 (and can happen in every VR project). It’s really annoying when you are doing some visualization project and people tell you that they ended up in weird location, in worst case somewhere ouside the map (depends where your 0,0,0 location is). Would be nice to get some dev feedback and possible solution. Thanks.

Btw. I can’t tell how exactly replicate this problem, usually happened at the edge of NavMesh, or when teleporing quickly (quickly pressing the teleport button), or somewhere between lower and higher place (e.g. road → curb), or just random place.

In the BP_MotionController : make a branch before “SetWorldLocation” TeleportCylinder