Random Rumble

I’ve tried just about everything-- I’ve even hooked up a line trace by channel to determine if the pawn is getting hit, but it’s not-- and the controller insists on its insufferable random rumbling.

You fly through open space and nothing is being hit, and the rumble goes off as though it is. WHAT in the world could be causing it? Please help. Here is the blueprint for my force feedback on hit-- it’s as simple as it gets.

Too simple, I think that might be your problem. Anything can cause the hit. It would probably be better to drag off other, and make sure it’s the right kind of thing before you let the execution path through :wink:

Your question’s a bit vague, but for instance, you could check if the hitting actor has a tag:


and then make sure only actors with the ‘Rumble’ tag will cause a rumble.

Or, maybe you could let a lot through, but only exclude stuff you’re not interested in:

What sort of situation do you have?

How do I do that without making a million “other actor” branches? I’m still relatively new to blueprinting. Is there a way to get all actors of class and use that to determine the hit?

Thank you, that about does it here. Will use this info in the future!!

I fixed the rumbling issue on my own with the original setup by the way-- turns out I had collision that was out of sync with my pawn and it floated off in the current (scene is underwater) to hit other objects while the pawn was out and about being controlled by the player.