Random Level Streaming

Thanks I managed to get this working shortly after your response. Cheers!


I have created the attached blueprint script to load a sub level I have created. What this will do is load whatever sub level name I put in the box node as you can see. What I would like to do is have this node randomly choose one of my sub levels instead.

Please can you tell me how I would achieve this via blueprint.


Create array of levels names, and load random one by getting random integer and random array index.

Or create levels with names level_1, level_2, and so on. get random integer and make level name with ‘level_’ + this integer.

Thanks redbox,

I have tried the first option, however it always loads my first level; Tile_001

Any idea what I am doing wrong?


This should work. Maybe problem that you generate random integer only 0 and 1, so its small amount of possibilities.