Random floating 3D model of VR headset in scene?

No matter what, there is a 3D model of a VR headset in the scene without it being a object from the browser. I have no idea how to remove it and it’s almost impossible to find the reason for it’s appearance because it changes location and is oftentimes not in the levels.
If someone encountered similar issues, some tips would be very helpful
Thanks :slight_smile:

Is it being rendered by the application? If not, it could be some third party utility inserting it.

Thanks for your reply! Yes, unfortunately it is :confused: it seems to be because of the WorldPartitionMap of the Landscape. I don’t know why it generates this model of the headset, but moving the Actor of the WorldPartitionMap influences how the model appears in the scene (Sometimes stuck in the ground or floating slightly above)…

The only thing that I can think of that could possibly insert it is the rendermodel visualizer from an XR plugin loading it from the runtime. I don’t think any of the stock plugins can do that though.

What engine version, XR plugin, and VR hardware are you using?