Random Blend doesnt seem to work for UV textures sprites for particles.

Random Blend doesn’t seem to work for UV textures sprites for particles.

I basically have a texture for a smoke particle, which consists of 4 frames (2x2) and i want them to be animated on a loop, yet starting at any fo those 4 frames randomly. So a blending from on frame to the next is crucial for the effect to look good.

Yet at the moment, only LinearBlend seems to Work under the UV module within Cascade. I assumed I need to use RandomBlend for this case yet, despite the random frames it starts at like I want, the frames wont blend nicely into the next one but rather pop the next one in, making it look all flickery and bad.

What can i do to make this work properly?

Thank you!

You need to make sure you are using a particle subUV texture sampler and not a generic texture sampler node in your material.

I am using Particle Sub UV sampler…check:

wont work at all

Random Blend feature wonk work…

Tried so many ways around it.

Does that feature work or not?

Make sure you also have a SubImage Index module in your particle emitter.


And make sure to set a value in the Random Image Change box under Sub UV on your Required module of the emitter.


I’ve noticed there is a bug when you are using GPU particles - perhaps it’s that.