Random black lines in HTML build

Hello, I am new to unreal and I was trying to create an HTML5 build using UE4.23. Everything is working as intended in the windows 64 bit build but when I created HTML build I am getting these random black lines in the scene, the lines are appearing on the screen and it is appearing between the railing asset, I am not sure about what is the exact reason for this.
I am adding image of the issue and also an image from the editor.

#level #redering #UE4-4.23

Never mind I was able to solve this by changing the texture image pixel size as there are specific sizes that we can use for the HTML. Once I did that the textures were back to normal and also in build the textures were looking like the way they should.

If anyone faces this type of issue you try replacing the texture with one that is a power of 2 (256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024, …)