I love the speed of 4.15 compared to other versions ever since upgrading to Windows 10. However I converted my project from 4.14.3 where beside the lag the editor had in Windows 10 was stable. Now it seems when I either try to put up a Reflection Capture (Sphere or Box) it will randomly crash or when I am working with PBR Mats and or Deferred Decals. The last couple days the engine has crashed between 15-20 times since updating/converting and it’s only when working on certain maps from when the project version was 4.14.3. Never has this problem really before besides stability crashes before hotfixes came out. I can show a screenshot of the map/scene I am trying to work on.
Mainly wondering if anyone else has had this issue or if something just went weird on when the project converted to 4.15. I have the mats/chars backed up so it would be more of redownloading assets from MarketPlace if I have to start over though if I can avoid that I would prefer it.
Nothing special with the scene, hollowed box, two chars using Substance based textures.and decals redone and simplified via Substance Player and a custom UE4 loadout from GameTextures.com.