Random Amount of Foliage In Foliage Mode Is Missing

After the season update, some of the foliage in our map is missing. We’ve tried deleting and replacing, changing settings, etc. It seems as though certain areas in our map can’t show foliage anymore, yet the collisions are still there. Is anyone else having this issue as well?

Also experiencing this.

Been seeing this problem as well! Thought I was going crazy :crazy_face:


Thanks for the report, we’ll have someone check into it.

UCB-1325 incident has been created. Status is ‘Awaiting Validation’.

Bug still present in 29.00

Same here

Hi all,

We’re having some trouble getting a repro here. Could someone post a video of it happening? We’d also like to have some logs if possible.

Here is some footage, output log, and screenshots. This is the map that we were working on when I made the post. Thanks for the help!

Thank you so much!

29.20 - Still happening

We have finally found an answer. Fortnite props cause the foliage to disappear in its vicinity. It also seems as though the more fortnite props you have in your map, the worse your maps foliage is affected.

@ItzSHFT Could I get an island code so we can dig deeper on this?