You said the magic word @Rawalanche ! “Contradiction!”
Any time we are faced with an “apparent” contradiction (it looks smells and tastes like a contradiction, but maybe isn’t), that is a moment to dive into and research deeply.
The feeling of “contradiction” : “Wait… how can these two things coexist side by side in a person/situation/experience I am having?”
Is an almost-guranteed indicator that you are experiencing an Unusual Frequency Range (UFR) and if you explore the feeling of contradiction, and the elements that seem to contradict each other, in depth,
You will almost always find there is actually Another Realm, Another Dimension,
Another Angle of Analysis
where the seemingly contradictory elements are actually Perfectly In Harmony with each other, but the Connective Tissue of these elements was previously not within your “acclimated” perception range.
I am indicating that you and everyone are more than capable of basically anything
it is just that we get into a Perception Range Groove (PRG) based on what life has expected of us so far,
and you can easily exit that groove and see New Angles on Life,
if you learn to enjoy apparant contradictions / that feeling, and discover where the Connective Tissue does actually exist.
Facilitating Perception Range Expansion

If you obtain Essential Oil of Lavender, you will find that Lavender activate the Human Pineal Gland, and will improve both Your Unreal Engine Development Cycle
(faster programming, faster comprehension of bugs in the code, and the overall game experience) as well as making it easy for you to expand your perception range and handle frequencies and experiences that previously might have overloaded your system.
Yes, it is true, Flowers help me Code in UE C++.
The Awesome Power Of Unreal Engine
The Awesome Thing about Unreal Engine,
that I always appreciate every day,
is that the Ceiling of Potential of what I can create is basically non-existent,
“ If I can imagine it, I can create it, in Unreal Engine!
Well Essential Oil of Lavender
helps to restore your obviously Enormous Imagination,
by stimulating your Pineal Gland
You could mix a few drops of Essential Oil of Lavender in water, and drink it daily,
and then you will see your Unreal Engine Development Cycle become more and more fun, with faster results, cleaner code, and very happy players.
PS: Now you know the Truth, My Victory Plugin is Flower-Powered UE C++ Code!