Rain Forest Scene

It’s a Material Function. Custom nodes don’t work yet (annoyingly)

Very pretty! But you know we don’t have rain forests in England right?

We have forests. We have rain. But no rain forests.

This is my first video upload so the quality is not the best and i get some stuttering on top of that from the export settings i guess.I have to find how the people on Youtube are making these really high quality videos.

Grass textures and meshes.

Thanks, but where did i wrote that you have rain forests in England?Btw this thing with the nice english weater was from some old british movie. :slight_smile:

Beautiful! :smiley:

That’s !

Wow, that’s a lot of maps but it sure paid off!

Very nice, personally i would make it feel a tad more wet and adjust the wind effect so it’s more fluid but it looks amazing regardless.

I noticed that you didnt use the sun. Is it because Unreal shadows and translucent materials are not so good?

Wow, looks pretty in motion.

Because i’m making the scene with overcast weater, so everything is lit only by the skylight combined with tons of ambient occlusion.This doesnt mean i cant mix it with spot or point lights where i need to brighten part of the scene to look more interesting.Currently i dont have any translucent materials. :slight_smile:

Really cool seeing this in motion. How big is the map so far?

Basicaly what is shown in the video.This is my test scene with random scattered meshes around so i dont need anything bigger right now.When i’m happy with how things work together i’ll build the actual scene which is going to be quite different from this. :slight_smile:

Wow ICO_hr! That video is ! Definitely felt like I was in a Rain-forest in your scene. Keep up the great work!

That video looks even greater than the screen shot from before!

To make good videos, I know of at least two ways:

  1. Use a Black Magic capture card that captures the HDMI output and compresses on the fly to MJPEG. Then re-compress to mp4 for upload later.

  2. Use a higher-end NVIDIA desktop graphics card (GTX 760 or up, say,) and turn on ShadowPlay recording. This compresses a video stream in real time from the frame buffer that the card renders. Note that mobile GeForce cards don’t support whole-desktop video capture.

No idea who this is a response to but AMD also have the same function since the last raptr release. :slight_smile:

Very beautiful work! Thanks for sharing with us all!

Looks great! Just gave a Far Cry feeling!!

Very nice to see all this :slight_smile:
As someone who is working on a big flora-package getting a result like this would be a big dream :slight_smile:


Those leaves are pretty much perfect. Very well done.

I’m still experimenting with stuff.I’ve re-build my shaders, now i’m getting way more consistent results with static and dinamic light with different lighting conditions.I’m also trying different things for the trees like different geometry for the leaves, without normals editing and keeping tangent space normal on for everything even the grass.Finally the specular or i should say the reflection is consistent with different lighting and its kind of looking good, the grass is still causing troubles unfortunately, it look too bright or too dark when i change the lighting without tweaking the shader, at least now have proper specular highlight which is not perfect at all but i’m getting there i hope.

Daytime sun is with dinamic shadows, the rest is static lighting lit only by skylight.