radial motion blur not affected by translucent material


an object is placed behind a slightly tinted glass pane (A/B).

When the object starts to rotate and exceeds a certain speed,

the dummy mesh with the radial motion blur in front of the object is switched from hidden to non-hidden.


the object is not affected by the glass tint any more;

it seems to jump in front of the glass (C).

this is especially annoying when the object toggles quickly between rotating and non-rotating,

which leads to an ugly flicker effect.

the setup is exaclty as described in

Any ideas how to fix this?


A - object w/o blur in plain sight

B - object w/o blur behind translucent material

C - object with blur behind translucent material


found a solution by myself.

For anyone stumbling over this question:

Motion blur uses custom depth and is drawn in front of the rest of the scene, so translucency has no chance to get involved.

Used a workaround to tint the blur itself accordingly:

added a color modifier to the blur material, see picture, created two instances, and adjusted one so that the color of blurred object matches the translucency tint.

Then switch them dynamically depending on slide door down or up.