Radial Gradient Exp invert density not plugged correctly inside the Function

I noticed that the invert density boolean inside the Radial Gradient Exponential function was broken. All I had to do was enter and plug the second 1-x node to the switch in “True” and problem was solved!

Hey Seehr,

I am investigating this issue at the moment because I am finding out some more interesting things about this function that might need to be addressed. I will return once I have an update.


Glad to hear so!. What kind of things, if I can know?

So what I discovered thus far is that, which you might have noticed as well. The inverse of the function does not actually invert the black to white at a 1:1 ratio. The exponential density function outputs an inverted result so that 0 is returned when depth = 0 and approaches 1 as depth increases.

This got me thinking about different ways it is handling the inversion, because if it is outputting and inverted image, then both the inverted density and normal density need to be accepting the same input. Then by using a one-minus after the normal density, it is set as expected, and excluding the one-minus after the inverted density leaves the results inverted. I tested on the plot graph function to visualize the differences, and below are my results thus far.

Radial Gradient Function - Original

Radial Gradient Function - Edited

As I mentioned before, I am not 100% on how the inversion is meant to work, but I believe the intention was not just to invert the result, but to invert where the curve had effect. Below are the results of my test to try and match the intention of the inversion.

Radial Gradient Func - Normal Density


Radial Gradient Func - Inverted Density

I believe this is close to the correct adjustment, but I need to get some clarification from the writer of the function to say for sure that is the case. Hopefully this cleared things up a bit.
