I’m trying to make a race for my new map but I am unable to get the race to start and have the checkpoints work properly. I have the race manager set to start the race on game start but the checkpoints remain white(inactive). IDK what else to try at this point, I tried starting the race when the cars and the players spawn but that didn’t work either. Any help would be much appreciated!
Sadly it’s been broken since UEFN launch. Looks like Epic is aware of this bug & hopefully this will be fixed soon
Thanks for the info, guess I’ll put that map idea on hold. Really unfortunate, been running into a lot of bugs with UEFN no matter what game mode I’m making. Hopefully they tackle these things soon.
Check Visual Prior to Race Start - On
will fix your issue
Will give this a try later. Thanks!
This did not work, the first checkpoint works but when passing through it the other checkpoints fail to appear. They also do not appear if they are set to visible prior to race start.
only other thing i was told to do is delete the ones that didnt work and replace them with new ones… hope this helps.
Thanks. They started showing up but now they’re all broken. They work when you load the map for the first time but after that they have a gray blocky texture inside the rings and don’t activate or do anything. It’s really strange.