Race Condition when using "NumCookersToSpawn" commandline parameter

I was investigating options to reduce build times for out new project and came across the “NumCookersToSpawn” commandline parameter which I tried to use.

It seems however that all child cookers are trying to write the asset registry cache to the same file - which may happen at the same time and then fails with an error.

To prevent this I added the “NoAssetRegistryCache” commandline parameter, too. The build process does not fail anymore however there are still errors in the log stating that the file “CachedAssetRegistry.bin” cannot be deleted because access is denied. So it seems that the file is still be used despite the commandline parameter.

So is it save to use this combination of commandline parameters right now or do we have to wait for these issues to get fixed?


Hello mkamradt,

You mention you came across the parameter “NumCookersToSpawn,” and I am having trouble locating the exact function to better understand the context of what it is actually doing. If you want to reduce build times for your project, there are a lot of different options in doing so, without having to use this parameter.

Take a look at our documentation on Content Cooking options. There is a parameter named -iterate which Specifies the cooker only cook items that are out of date. Without this option, the sandbox directory is deleted and everything is recooked. This will definitely help with cook times.

Content Cooking

Let me know if you have further questions.

Thank you,