r.MaterialQualityLevel=1 breaks POM materials in packaged builds

There is a quality setting switch inside POM node. You can rewire it as suitable for your project.

I’m seeing this same behavior in Packaged builds in 4.15
If I call the r.materiallevel function, it seems to fix the shader and I can return to the higher quality levels.
I wonder if this is tied to the Enable Static Lighting switch in the game settings?


After much investigation I have found an issue with the command r.MaterialQualityLevel.

I use the sg.EffectsQuality scalability commands. I looked inside BaseScalability.ini inside the engine and ran each command trying to find the one which causes the POM render issue. I found that r.MaterialQualityLevel=1 is the issue.

When a packaged game has run r.MaterialQualityLevel=1 before loading into a level any materials with POM will not render at all.







And here are 2 materials which go blank with this setting:



Still occurring in 4.17.2.

Hi, I have Ue5.3 and this problem is still present, but it happened to me with regular material, not POM. Possible solution is to set r.MaterialQualityLevel=0 or 2 in the level drawing in Begin play, and then do a check and if the graphics level is set to ultra or high, then set r.MaterialQualityLevel=1.