Quixel Bridge window not showing in ue 5.0, 5.1, 5.2

Hello, Whether it’s in Unreal 5.0, 5.1, or 5.2, I’m encountering the same issue. The Quixel Bridge window won’t open. Yet, the Bridge plugin is installed. I looked at all the posts on this subject but nothing solved the problem.

Hey there @Gherza09! For each of the versions, how does the actual window itself react? Does it just never appear or is it purely blank (with white background), blank with darker background?

Hey, thanks for your response. The problem remains the same in every version. The window simply doesn’t appear at all, but with each attempt, the PC starts working.

Hrm, odd! Oh well, let’s go through some regular debugging and see if it corrects the issue, if not we may need to go a good bit deeper.

When you try to launch the bridge, does any warnings appear in the console/log?

I’m sure you’d already done this but I have to note it:

So first close the engine, then open your Epic Games Launcher, head over to the engine version you want, and ope it’s Installed Plugins. Remove the Quixel bridge from here or update it if it’s showing update:


Then head down to the vault below and reinstall it to the version you use.

And lastly I have a couple of other solutions from other threads I’ve helped with:

No, there are no warnings when I launch Bridge. Removing and reinstalling the plugin did not work.

Since those solutions didn’t end up working, try these from Hasnat on the Quixel forums:

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