Quick question about transient variables

I have a system where I am reading an fbx object in a folder, constructing a procedural mesh objects from that data and then optionally it can be used to build a static mesh. This all works fine.

My problem is that when replicating to a client, objects spawned WHILE the client is in the session are being wiped. This only happens for replicated objects that are spawned after the client has joined the session-- objects spawned before they join are fine.

I am assuming this is because to produce the procedural mesh, I need to make it transient, but I think unreal is garbage collecting it or something like that. I could be off on this though as my understanding of how unreal replicates transient data is pretty limited and I can’t really find any information on the subject.

When I debug, the procedural mesh is being generated and shows for a split second on the client side (valid) before returning as invalid a fraction of a second later. The object itself is still valid and present, but the mesh is gone. This happens even if I create/set a static mesh from the procedural mesh, or assign it to a constant procedural mesh variable.

Would super appreciate feedback!

Here’s the code for that function:

void URuntimeStaticMeshImporterBFL::CreatePMCFromData(FSTMIObjectData FbxData, UProceduralMeshComponent*& OutMesh)
	if (FbxData.bGotMeshData)
		if (!FbxData.MeshData.IsEmpty())
			int32 RandomInt{};
			RandomInt = UKismetMathLibrary::RandomIntegerInRange(0, 999);
			FString intstring = FString::FromInt(RandomInt);
			FString procname = FString("RSMI_ProcMesh") + intstring;

			UProceduralMeshComponent* procmesh = NewObject<UProceduralMeshComponent>(GetTransientPackage(), FName(procname), EObjectFlags::RF_Transient);

			FString nummeshdata = FString::FromInt(FbxData.MeshData.Num());

			for (int8 i = 0; i < FbxData.MeshData.Num(); i++)
				FString currentindex = FString::FromInt(i);

			OutMesh = procmesh;
			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("RuntimeStaticMeshImporter -> CreateProceduralMeshFromData -> FbxData.MeshData is empty!"));
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("RuntimeStaticMeshImporter -> CreateProceduralMeshFromData -> FbxData is invalid!"));