Questions about creating custom viewport for editor window

I have a couple of questions about using a custom viewport for a new editor window.
Im attempting to create a new editor window, to be able to edit a custom asset which should show a collection of actors/widgets in the viewport so that they may be modified/transformed and have their information stored into the custom asset for later use in gameplay code.

So far i havent been able to find any documentation at all when it comes to using a viewport inside of a editor window.

  1. Getting a callback when an actor/widget is selected in the custom viewport?
  2. Adding an actor/widget to the custom viewport?
  3. Referencing an actor/widget in a custom viewport?

If you know an answer to any these questions much help would be appreciated!
or even an extensive tutorial on extending the editor using a new editor window itself would very much help me at this point!

It’s quite a huge topic.

About creating a new editor window, you can have a look at the new Plugins wizard; one of the three choices allows you to create a new editor window; that would be a good starting point.

For the point 1, 2 and 3, I’d suggest to read carefully and thoroughly the Details Panel Customization docs, here: link text and the Slate UI Framework in general link text.

Also, have a look at the Extending the Editor video link text, and use the Widget Reflector in the editor (Window / Developer Tools / Widget Reflector) and the engine source code to see how things are implemented. For example, you could start with the StaticMesh Editor (SStaticMeshEditorViewport.h and SStaticMeshEditorViewport.cpp) to see how it’s implemented.

Thanks, you’ve given alot of information, and ill make sure to read over all of it! :slight_smile:


I have been digging through unreal Code in hopes of creating my own window with my own viewport, however those viewports seem to be attached to a AssetType, take paper2D (the plugin I have used to learn) the viewport takes in FSpriteEditor, which is the editor when you open a 2D Sprite.

but what if I wanted a viewport without having to have an asset type? has anyone figured this out?

Thank you.

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