I am new to UE4, have used the UDK and Unity before, and so far, I’ve been able to do a few things using blueprints ( my knowlede is limited on C++). I’ve been playing around and can make a simple game which works semi decent. Now after I’ve done some research on both the UE website and third party websites, I feel like there will be a wall once I reach the networking bridge. According to a few resources it seems that there is no support for multiple sessions per single dedicated server (correct me if I’m wrong). But would this imply that, for example, a MOBA style game would be very difficult with a dedicated server as a central connection location? Would this be possible at all with just blueprints? Ideally I’d want a matchmaking system that would pin multiple people of the same ranking against eachother.
Would anyone be as kind to point me to the right direction so I know whether this game I’m thinking of is feasible to create or not, and whether it would be better to jump over to my next project?
Thank you in advance,