How would I go about tiling the output of the flip book node? UV input of the flip book seems to tile the source texture. What I would really need is to get the texture out of flipbook node and then tile this small texture.
How would I go about tiling the output of the flip book node? UV input of the flip book seems to tile the source texture. What I would really need is to get the texture out of flipbook node and then tile this small texture.
Hi Tomas,
There are some potential solutions to what you are describing. Could you describe to me what the texture that you are getting and tiling is going to do? Once I have a better understanding of what you are trying to accomplish, it will be easier to create the optimal resolution.
Thank you,
Ah, sorry, here is what I’m trying:
Hi Tomas,
What you are describing sounds like it would be done by creating a TexCoord node (Texture Coordinate), putting that into the UVs input on the flipbook function and then setting the amount of tiling. The output will be tiled based on the TexCoord input.
There is another way that you could accomplish that effect with much less effort and memory use. It is documented in this tutorial:
This describes rapidly panning two tiled noise textures across each other. The panning is so rapid that it creates the appearance of randomly patterned noise. This will take far less space than the flipbook driven method.
Please let me know if this has helped.
Thank you,
TexCoord node multiplied and put into the UVs input of the flipbook would be exactly what I need, but it doesn’t seem to work as I would expect. If I do it, I’m getting tiled output, but each tile is different frame from the flipbook. Not sure if that’s bug or intended way how the flipbook and it’s UV input should work. If UV tile is for example 2,2, then at least each tile plays the full loop, but if I use tile like 4,2, then there seem to be playing animation made up of random frames from the flipbook and each tile plays different random frames.
The second approach is good, but it seems i can waste some performance so I was more after emulating real analogue film noise from scanns and so I would prefer some 2-3 second looped animation noise.
Hi Tomas,
Thank you for your report. I have brought this lack of functionality to a developer’s attention for consideration. Until anything is changed, the previous suggestions are our known work-arounds to this issue. If there is anything else that you need assistance with, please let us know.
Thank you,
Hi, I’m using ue4 4.20 here, and encountered the same problem. Input tiled UV into the default flipbook node caused eratic “time frame” readings. I managed to get around it by duplicating the flipbook function in a Material Function of my own, and adding a Fmod node with a constant 1 right after the UV input, so you’re basically looping the UV you’re inputting beetween 0 and 1.
Hope it helps.
OR use this answer, that does pretty much the same thing but outside the function,
with a frac node :