[Question] Hair shader for characters

Is it currently possible in Rocket to have the characters hairs use tech like that in the Samaritan demo - poly planes with alpha-transparent textures placed where you have hair guides in maya etc, and without compromising FPS performance too much? If yes, what are the editor tools or material workflow to implement it?

It would be nice to use this kind of tech even if we use a low-res low-density approach (a few poly plane stripes). It may end up looking like the standard way of doing low-poly characters hair at a distance, and when closer to camera, the LOD for the hair would change to a denser and finer look. A benefit I see would be being able to customize hair growth of characters, for instance.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Athos,

Is it currently possible in Rocket to have the characters hairs use tech like that in the Samaritan demo - poly planes with alpha-transparent textures placed where you have hair guides in maya etc, and without compromising FPS performance too much?

This is a very hardware dependent question. It is plausible, but I would not personally recommend this approach if you wish to release at current gen. We are glad to address issues and questions explicitly concerning the functionality of the UE4 engine and editor, however it appears that your issue is more related to general game development and is beyond the scope of our support staff to address. You may find the community forums a good place to look for development solutions.

If you do determine that there is an issue with UE4 that is preventing you from creating the hair you desire, or if you have a focused question about specific tools, then please do not hesitate to post a question about it and we will offer all available support.



Thanks for taking the time, Alexander.
This helps me make decisions here on how I’ll setup my characters.
