Hello, everyone.
I’m trying to figure out this thing:
Player starts game for the first time. He creates username, which is attached to his character. He then creates a host game and (for example) gets some experience. He earned a level and now he is level 1. Mission ends and so on. Next time he launches his game, he is already level 1 with stats save.
I’m a beginner in Unreal Engine 4 and with blueprints. But I believe, I understand logic of my thing. I see that it can be done by this:
Player launches a game. Game tries to find parameters file. If game can’t find it, it creates a new one. And then player writes an entry (character name) in game which is saved into a local file with parameters (aka name). Those parameters are attached to his local character. When he starts playing and earning experience, it adds to that file, saving his progress. Next time player launches his game, game tries to find file and if it finds, it reads those parameters.
I also have thing #2: When player named his character, in the main menu his character is spawned. When player starts a new game, this character is “teleported” into a level. So basically, progress of character can be seen in main menu as well.
Now main questions are:
- Is it possible to do with Blueprinting? Perhaps with a help of C++? (I read that save command can be done via c++ not blueprints.)
2)Will this work with my multiplayer system? (I followed tutorials and created a host game and join by ip blueprints).
So basically whenever you enter game, it loads and uses character from local file.
I hope I explained my concerns and I would like to hear your opinion and perhaps tips or suggestions.
Thanks in advance!