Hello everyone, hope you’re all having a great day!
Unreal beggined here, I have some quesstions and I can’t seem to get to the bottom of it.
So we have this scenario where we want to create our reusable button. Now we want this button to have a UTextBlock so we create this C++ class derived from UUserWidget which has 2 members a Button and a TextBlock component, with UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere).
We now go further and create a blueprint out of this class we call this Blueprint “A”. Here we have access to both properties of Button and TextBlock.
Now we go ahead and create a Menu class derived as well from UUserWidget in c++ where we use our custom buton, we create the members in header like: TObjectPtr OurButton;
Now when we create a Blueprint that has the parent this Menu class we call this blueprint “B”, but now when we look in details panel we don’t have access to the properties of UTextBlock, so the question is how do we give access to our Widget members to other blueprints that use our blueprint?
Hope someone can clarify this:
Pseudo example
class CustomButton: public UUserWidget
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, meta=(BindWidget))
TObjectPtr Button;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, meta=(BindWidget))
TObjectPtr OurButton;
Create Blueprint A out of CustomButton class.
class B: public UUserWidget
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, meta=(BindWidget)
TObjectPtr CustomButton;
Create Blueprint B out of class B → Use Blueprint A inside of it => No access to the properties that compose Blueprint A in details panel of the B.