QT Creator Crash (Clangd out of memory)

Attempting to use QT creator as a C++ IDE for UE5 project on Linux. Engine built, and project generated all good. have the .pro file for QT creator. When opening it, it starts to parse the files. Takes a few minutes and then it just close…
Looking into the issue seems like after a few minutes in, QT creator starts a new process ClangD, that starts to consume all available RAM (32GB). When it runs out, it crashes (Both clangd.main and QT creator). - Task killed by OOM killer (out of memory)
(Might be unrelated but the generated compile_commands.json is ~19GB)
Not sure why or how to fix.

Using Arch Linux (6.2.7-arch1-1 ), with QT Creator 9.0.2, ClangD 15.0.7
Project freshly generated by the editor. (.pro project files generated after by GenerateProjectFiles.sh)

if you have not solved it already. Open Qt creator without any project and disable ClangCodeModel under Help>About Plugins>c++

You could could disable more plugins under device support, modeling, other languages, and version control to help a bit with memory usage.