No. 1 UMGSpline
A spline widget is used for drawing 2D lines, and the lines can be conveniently edited both in UMG editor and at runtime.
No.2 BackgroundBlurWithMask
Improve Unreal’s origin BackgroundBlur widget, so that a mask texture (or material) can be applied to control the blur effect region.
No.3 See Through Text
See-through (transparent) text for 2D UI.
No.4 ImageCache
Cache net images to the local disk.
No.5 SceneTextureForUMG
Bake SceneTextures so that they can be used for UI materials.
I will keep on developing plugins for Unreal’s UMG system, so if you have any good ideas, please leave me a message!
No.6 PostProcess Widget
Add post-process effects for the widget’s covered region.
No. 7 UMG SubSequence
Add child widget’s sequence animation into parent widget’s sequence animation.
No. 8 UMG Polygon
A Polygon Widget is used for drawing 2D polygons, and the polygons can be conveniently edited both in UMG editor and at runtime.