Pushed by rolling boulder instead of stopped(Party Panic boulder dash).


I’m trying to make a game using UE5

Reference is this(Party Panic boulder dash).

The problem is that boulder rolls well, but it stops when collided to character.

I tried the following.

Made overlap collision larger than ball mesh. When character overlaps, it gets ‘add impulse’.
Adjusted boulder mass to 10,000,000kg.
Adjusted character movement - push force, push force factor to 0.
Made physics material, adjusted ball’s friction to 11111, restitution to 0.

But none of these made rolling boulder to keep rolling when collided to character.

This is my blueprint.

What should I do now?

  • are the boulders suppose to be utterly unstoppable?
  • should they slow down when they hit players?
  • how are the boulders supposed to interact with other boulders, same as above?

Besides that:

  • you’re using Overlap instead of Hit (unless the boulders have an additional collision volume we cannot see here)
  • Simulation Generate Hit Events must be enabled on the boulder’s mesh for the above to work
  • If you want the boulder to keep rolling after colliding, you may need to keep adding force every frame since it transferred some of its energy; and you can do the same for the player - the Character Movement Component is keen on keeping the player glued to surfaces.

Thanks for reply.

First for questions,
Yes. I want to make the boulder unstoppable.
No slow down when hit players.
But interact with other boulders like a real boulder.

In my opinion if the boulder’s hit events enabled, it must be pushed backward.
I added a ‘add force’ node with tick event.
But still, if boulder collides with player, ‘it goes backward a little bit’ and it rolls forward.

And also I want to know, is there a way to maintain rock speed constantly from beginning to end?
If it collides with another boulder, it should slow down, and gradually gets speed to fixed value.