How can I make a boulder physics simulate on but not collides with player.


I’m trying to make a boulder, which rolls along a ramp.
If it hits player, player will be pushed back.
I used ‘Add Impulse’ node to make this.

But I want the boulder not to be pushed back.
So I made boulder physics simulate on(cause it should roll), and overlap with Pawn(at the collision presets)

But it still collides with player.

How can I make the boulder rolls along a ramp and only overlaps with player, but not collides?

I read this.

My previous post :

Hey there,

What do the collision settings on your character’s capsule look like?

If the character’s object response is ‘Ignore’ for ‘PhysicsBody’, I think you should get the behaviour you want.


I forgot to mention it.

I already did that. but not worked.

If I set the character’s physics actor collision ignore, it doesn’t collide but I need overlap event.

Ah, yes you did mention that and then I went and suggested ‘Ignore’.
Moving the checkbox over one should fix it :slight_smile:
You wan’t ‘overlap’ (generate events, but no blocking).

That’s what I am doing now.

but it doesn’t work.

Additionally, If the boulder’s ‘spawn overlap event’ is not checked, the boulder not only spawns the overlap event but also doesn’t collide with player.

If ‘spawn overlap event’ is chekced, the boulder spawns the overlap event and also collides with player.

I figured out this.

Set boulder’s pawn collision ignore.

Make a sphere collision and set child to rock.

Use overlap events on the sphere collision

Precise impact point is another problem.


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